Train a Multiagent RL Policy

Training RL with multiple learning agents might look something like this:

obs_for_all_agents = env.reset()
for i in range(num_episodes):
    actions = {}
    for agent_index, obs in obs_for_all_agents:
        if obs['is_learning']:
            rl_action = model.sample(obs)
            actions[agent_index] = rl_action

    # No need to supply actions for non-learning agents

    # Run a simulation step (check for collisions, move sim agents)
    obs_for_all_agents, rewards, game_over, info = env.step([actions])

    # associate the obs_for_all_agents, rewards, and info['which_agents_done'] with one another

    # Do RL stuff with each agent's (obs, reward, action)


You also need to handle the fact that some agents will finish before others. Maybe send me (Michael) a message if you’re trying to do this and I can give some advice.